Incline your thinking. Eat your heart's breaking until with nothing but dripping from your wounds, you recall a place to say I can't do anymore. Have a meal. Come here. You mister! You mister! You!
Bright lady piece of pie. A settlement. A church steeple with cupcakes. Welcome to my puppet life.
I'm still running from looking angry. I'm still afraid of the dark and what others might say if they knew. I'm still unaccepting of the sticky that shoots. I'm still angry and irrational. I'm still eighteen.
A blank curse. You are intense. Paper thin walled-in blend of spirit cell exposure through scientific procedure. Standing strong, with big bag lunch.
To suffer is to human. To want. To play Parcheesi. To understand you are misunderstoodoodood.
Leaps you out of your financial situation and turns you into a provider. It turns mortals into mothers.
That at some point something unexpected will happen. That wise people think bad thoughts. That there is peace beyond the question.
I like this poem. I found your site via Tugboat Dave.
I like this poem. I found your site via Tugboat Dave.
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